SPRING YOUTHMEETING IN PILISCSABA There was the spring youthmeeting in Piliscsaba between 16th and 18th of March. About the programs: two lectures of Géza Kovács Babthist preacher about the question: What does it mean to be the disciple of Jesus? How could I be a master?; worships, biblio- dhrama orginised by József Gyurkó (preacher of the Pécs’s congregation). The ending worship was held by Frigyes Hecker (retired preacher). Pictures have been attached!
The officially webpage of the Hungarian Methodist Church, has been changed! It provides web-sites of congregations such as Budapest, Pécs, Szekszárd, Szolnok. Highly recommended visiting it!
From the contant: View from the another side- Tamás jávor; Full-lighted summer- Lídia Köpe; “You are mine, I have called you”- József Gyurkó; Sunday is the celebration of the revelution around the world- Zoltán Bóna
THE NEW T-SHIRTS HAVE BEEN MADE! The are available at the spring youth conference in Piliscsaba, for 1000 HUF (approximately 4 €).
THE FIRST MEETING OF YOUTHS FROM DIFFERENT CHURCHES On 23th of March was the first meeting of youths from different Churches in Budapest, organised by the Bhaktivedanta Theological College. Different religions were introduced,ant there were short lectures and games. Bence Vigh deputized the Hungarian Methodist Church.
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